Model Program - Mobile Benefits Van

     Note: please note that this profile of a policy option or program model should (a) link back to the issue overview on this topic, (b) be focused either the local, state, national, or global level, and (c) be neutrally presented, based on facts, and include footnotes for each of the items.  See the Research Guide and Information Sources to assist you.


This policy option or model program profile relates to the following issue overview(s):


Summary    one paragraph description 

Milwaukee County administers the Food Stamp Program in Milwaukee.  The van was an existing vehicle used around the community to check clients' statuses on rent assistance.  City of Milwaukee Housing Authority decided to add food stamps to the agenda for the van.  Allowed disabled and elderly to access food stamps easily (to the front doors of their apartments/houses).  



Goal    short description of the policy or program goal  

By driving a mobile benefits van/automobile to public housing sites, clients are able to be interviewed on the spot inside the van's work stations, which in turn makes it possible for the clients to avoid the often long and intimidating trek to the local Social Services office.



Cost    total policy or program cost; also include per person cost if available 



Implementation    describe how the policy or program is implemented (esp. who, how) 



Evaluation    summarize any evaluation findings that policy or program effectiveness



Status    indicate whether this policy or program has been adopted in more locations or remains a proposal 



Point of View    quotations from those in support or opposition to this policy or program 



Contact     contact information for sponsor of this policy or program 



Bibliography    link to any additional readings or websites related to this policy or program